Category Archives: Life

Apple Computer != treehuggers

Just saw this earlier today. Apparently Apple’s touchy-feely image doesn’t extend to environmental friendliness. To be fair, lots of electronics (like nearly every cell phone) are toxic and dangerous if not disposed of correctly. It’s really difficult to find a safe way to dispose of NiCD, NiMH and Lithium ion batteries.

Still, Greenpeace seem to think Apple is worse than most. Just like their “we like software freedom” image, when you look below the surface you find that Apple aren’t who they’d like you to think they are.

10 things I learned about marriage

I’ve been married a year as of last Monday, Aug 7. In the last year I’ve learned a lot of things, and thought I’d put a few of them down. If you’ve been married for a while you probably know this stuff, but maybe it will benefit somebody.

  1. “OK I’m ready to go” doesn’t mean she’s ready to go. Wait until you hear that 3 times before you bother putting on your shoes.
  2. Just because she’s upset doesn’t mean it’s your fault. Women can get upset about anything or nothing. Do yourself a favor and don’t get upset just because she’s upset.
  3. Just because it’s not your fault doesn’t mean it’s not your problem. Whether you did it or not, you’ll pay for it. It’s best to get to work listening to what she has to say and seeing if there’s anything you can do to make her feel better.
  4. Just because the dishwasher is done doesn’t mean the dishes can come out and be put away. Dishes have to be shaken and manipulated in a certain way only she understands and left to dry for an additional period of time before they’re usable.
  5. Even if she’s wrong, you need to say you’re sorry. She can be so wrong that you can draw up a written mathematical proof of it and take her through it step by step to show her she’s wrong, and that won’t change anything. In fact it will make it worse. Give up and just say you’re sorry.
  6. Put the toilet seat down. I know it’s not fair because she never leaves the seat up for you, but you’re a man. Deal with it. It’s not worth the trouble.
  7. The fact that you stood in front of a room full of people and swore to her and a member of the clergy that you will love her always means nothing. In her minds it’s not a binding contract that’s in effect forever. You’ll have to keep telling her you love her over and over. She won’t get tired of it but you will, so find new and creative ways to tell her and show her you love her. After a while you’ll even start to enjoy it.
  8. You can live with 2 pairs of shoes. She can’t. It’s a need, not a want. I don’t know why.
  9. You are the man, which means you are in charge. You are stronger, and you’re a leader. The only problem is you’ll have to convince her you’re in charge by being worthy of respect. A leader isn’t someone who beats other people into submission. You’ll have to work hard to show her that she can trust you to lead, and that you’ll do the right thing no matter what. She needs to know you’ll suffer so she doesn’t have to before she’ll even begin to trust you. Chances are someone did a really bad job of this before you, which makes it much harder.
  10. Sleeping with the same woman every night is better than sleeping with a different woman every night. Doing the same thing over and over doesn’t get boring, it just allows you to pick up on details you didn’t notice the first 100 times. You have to pay attention, though.

I’m dwowning!

There is a leak in the roof in the building where I work. Rain has apparently found a way from that leak through a couple floors and started to drip into the ceiling directly above my cubicle. The folks who deal with those things tell me it will be a couple days before this can be fixed, and it’s raining right now.

So here I sit, with water dripping into my cubicle from 3 or 4 different places. Piles of paper towels catch drips in a couple spots. If I sit real still I don’t get hit by the drip coming down right between my knees.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.  🙂

Doubting God

I was listening to the latest Wired Jesus podcast where Tom was talking about faith and doubt. One of the things he said was “…our parents tried to tell us that doubt was a sign of weakness of faith, and we weren’t supposed to talk about it...” and that doubt was a “virus that would affect all the faithful.”

I can agree with this and it really strikes a nerve with me. I remember being told that I shouldn’t doubt because it would lead me to believing in my doubts and turning from God. But what do I do with doubt? Can I just ignore it and make it go away? Am I screwed up and broken as a Christian because I have doubts? It certainly seems that way if I believe what I was taught. Tom talks about the “answer man” church where the pastor and the church are the sole source of answers, and we are to look only to them.

One of the reasons I rejected the church for so long was this type of attitude. If God is who he says he is, I should be able to doubt and question. I don’t want to trust in a God who can’t handle my questions. If the truth is there, I should be able to find it by honestly seeking. I returned to the church and my faith because of people who told me that God wanted to hear from me even if I was angry at him. They told me God could handle my anger and questions and fear. They taught me that if I had questions and doubt I could find answers and security.

So what does scripture say? I don’t have specific references to give, but all you have to do is start reading the Psalms for an answer. David was not afraid to express doubt and ask God “why have you forsaken me?” (A sentiment Jesus himself quotes on the cross) Jeremiah is also not afraid to yell at God when he’s alone and afraid.

So I reject anyone who tells me not to question. I think God is big enough to deal with my uncertainty. I’ve found him willing to be patient with me, although sometimes it takes a lot of searching and humility on my part before I can accept his answer.