OK, if you know me and you don’t know about Linuxfest, then crawl out from under your rock, click the link and check it out.
The Fest takes place Saturday October 30, in Columbus Ohio at the Convention Center.
I went last year and really enjoyed it, and this year it looks like it’s grown considerably. IBM and Digium had a big presence at the show last year and are sponsoring again this year. IBM’s keynote on virtualization and the company’s commitment to Linux was pretty cool.
One sponsor I did not appreciate was Astaro. They sent a speaker who’s talk was nothing more than an advertisement for their products with no actual content. I left 20 minutes into the talk after half the people walked out.
This year Jeff Waugh is giving the opening keynote. Jon “maddog” Hall is giving closing remarks. Ted Haeger and Chris DiBona will be there. Red Hat, Fedora, Linspire, NetBSD/FreeBSD, Novell and GNOME (among others) will have booths. The Linux Link Tech Show guys will be there. And best of all there will be Live penguins!
They’ve got a blog if you want to follow the news. If you’ll be there, by all means look me up. I’ll be around.